Wednesday, September 20, 2006

CU energy awareness day

CU had an energy awareness day and it was pretty cool. Maybe even media arts worth :)

**************** Making a bowl *******************************
This is an old record made into a bowl, is this cool or what?! I talked to my roommate and she said all you do is put a bowl under a record and put it in the microwave. The record melts around the bowl. Probably one could melt the record in the oven, you'd just have to watch it. I know I used to make key chain by melting skittle bags

******************Making Paper******************************

Wanna make some paper? Put water and paper in a blender (white or pastel colored paper otherwise the dyes mess it up-- this is why we want to stay away from bold colors, we can't recycle them)

Throw the stuff in a tube.
Then you put something like the above (wood frame with wire net attached and a free standing wood frame on top and aligned) in the water. The water and paper pulp will overflow the top rectangle frame. When you have some paper (maybe a centimeter not pushed down--?? I'm new at this...) lift up and make sure the pulp is evenly spread. At this point you'll take off the top wood frame and paper pulp will be lying on the wire net. Take another piece of wire net (without wood frame) and press it on top of the other draining more water. Then flip it and take off the wire net (attached to the wood frame). Flip the wire net so the paper is down on a flat surface. Sponge off excess water. Take off wire and leave for about an hour and a half.

************************Recycled material art******************************
note: plz only use these for educational purposes-- I have no auth to put these up other than no-one objecting :)
(no name tag)
(no name tag)

(James Yakimicki "Innocense Reconstructed")

(Sarah Garcia)


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